Our Supervisor Suprise

November 11, 2010 at 3:52 pm (Uncategorized)

We found at today that the fabulous Anya will be supervising our group. Hope she doesnt end up hating us. We got great feedback today. We will be concentrating on research more now and see that direction we will be taking our project in. Anya told us to look up Generative Art. We are all gonna look up images and see what ideas we come up with.

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Beware of very happy students.

November 10, 2010 at 10:07 pm (Uncategorized)

We are finished our presentation and after a bump or two like eh our presentation not loading up we got through it. We think, as a group that it went great. We weren’t kicked out the door which was a good sign we believe. But on a more serious note we are delighted. The feedback we got was good and the lecturers gave us great advice that we took on board. We are going to go out now in the next week and research more. We want to find out what you, the students want!

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The “Mood” of the Group

November 9, 2010 at 11:31 am (Uncategorized)

This is our mood board! =]

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Presentation is everything!

November 9, 2010 at 11:26 am (Uncategorized)

We are done! Complete! Finito! We did our 3rd run through of our presentation and we are very pleased with it. Hopefully the lecturers are too. We practiced, and practiced and and hope have practiced enough to achieve perfection. Well maybe not perfection but something close to it =] We are all excited.

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Presentation is COMPLETE!

November 8, 2010 at 9:46 pm (Uncategorized)

We are rocking and ready to take over the Carrols=] Destroying the dullness and banishing boredom. Presentation is completed and and our final run through is tomorrow. We are all pumped up and are trying to not let the nerves get to us.

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Other images

November 7, 2010 at 7:26 pm (Uncategorized)

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Inspiring Images

November 7, 2010 at 7:25 pm (Uncategorized)

I was in work today and I saw these images that I thought were a good idea. They are basic toilet items. An air freshener, soap dispenser and a toilet roll holder. But the company gave them names to give them personalities . I thought this was a good idea because this is what we want to do to the Carrolls, give it its own personality. 

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Images of our Presentation

November 5, 2010 at 4:00 pm (Uncategorized)

These are some images of our presentation in case the link doesnt work for people without a Prezi account.


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Mock Presentations

November 5, 2010 at 3:14 pm (Uncategorized)

We did our mock presentations yesterday and of course leaving the best for last was clearly happening. Only messing. Everyones ideas were great. t was great to see how peoples ideas had evolved and changed. They were all pretty exciting and impressive. We made our presentation is prezi. It is a fantastic programme that lets us do our presentation is a way we want to. We got good feedback off everyone.


This is a presentaion


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Interactive “STUDENT SERVER”

November 3, 2010 at 9:36 pm (Uncategorized)

We came up with an idea to create a student server. We were inspired the the USB in the wall that has been all over the internet recently. We are trying to incorporate this into our ideas.  We thought up of the “Student Server” where all over the college we would have usb’s. In the tree in the garden, hanging from the wall in the starbucks(having a colourful, decorative piece of art around it in the style of a vortext or portal) etc and making them “Student docks”. When you plug them in you can upload onto your laptop student games(made by students), student films (some films we made last year), a weekly student news letter. Also we wanted to put in screens beside these places so they can display headlines and updates about the college itself. We have discovered that we are being isolated from the rest of the college with regards to parties, functions and student nights out ie Halloween Ball. Many people in our building didnt know about the halloween ball. We can have posters displayed on the screens and student posters and maybe DKIT radio podcasts on the usb all aimed at students. Its making the carrolls come to life like we wanted. Students will be more alive with information and not bored cause they have games to play and things to read and watch. Each “dock” will have a personality. ie the usb in the tree will be called “the tree of knowledge” the name will come up when you put it in. The one in starbucks will be called “the vortex” etc. We really like this idea it brings students together. “Hey you going to see whats new on the tree”

Hope you like it too

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